The might of God

Gabriel Casas

New member

My name is Gabriel, and i came to the Qur'an alone, and to be in a state of surrender to God after no more than a year and a half ago.

My journey will keep going i'm sure, since im 23 for now, and God willing i get more life to reform and do good.

But to "summarize" it:

From my early ages i considered myself as a "good kid" as so did the teachers at my school, save some deviances, i was tranquil and in a way a bit lone, since i didn't really enjoy the company of others if their activities weren't of my liking, and in general, their attitudes never attracted me much.

My morality back then was pretty much the fitrah, do good and what my parents, who are not religious but relatively good people, taught me.

(Save some autistic wrongdoings i did without knowing they were bad, since i was a kid after all xD)

When i grew up, perhaps under the influence of videogames and media like Disney movies which glorify sihir, i did start drawing about some dark themes, mostly it was joking, i did some caricatures about teachers, colleagues of mine etc... they had a dark tone drawn with ballpoint bic pens either in blue or black ink, basically i was not too serious...

Studies were fine, i usually passed stuff at 5 or 6, good enough to pass without needing the study much, i liked maths also, altough never fully developed it.

And at some point, i did do some "shirk" in a way, a "joke religion" about a fictional character which was very popular as a kind of "divine dark being", basically a joke of the internet.

Of course i now am a bit worried about that, altough back then i didn't pay it much importance, now i remember the verses:

They are only names you have named, you and your fathers, for which God sent down no authority. They follow only assumption, and what their souls desire; but there has come to them guidance from their Lord.

Basically, that was the fake "god" i had made up based on this fictional character, which i used to draw.

I mention this since i believe this may have been my downhill arc, in which i started losing my fitrah.

From then on, i enrolled in what in my country (Spain) comes after high school, which are 2 optional years where you specialize more, although still being general, in my case i chose arts and then developed more my art style, still with the fake thing being drawn, in my time of ignorance.

Then i joined 4 more years, 2 formations which were related to arts, 3D and videogames since i was interested in that a lot (today i would see it only as a tool, more than something i enjoy doing per se)

It was not going bad, i do waver a bit in what i want to do in life Dunya wise, although i pray God helps me center into something of value.

Then I joined a private University and the first year was relatively cool, i developed my 3D skills a lot, but something made my performance decrease, yes, it was a change in paradigm.

Until then, i had been seeking a moral philosophy, i was not happy with the "normie" worldview.

I knew there was more to it, i did believe, besides the joke "deity" in the true God, even if in an aethereal way, as a concept, a higher power.

I had been trying different lifestyles also, like meditation, Wim Hof Method breathing (I'm starting again, after all there is nothing wrong with it and it's healthy), waking up at 5:30 am to train in the calisthenic park, doing fasting, not drinking coffee, etc etc.

Regarding the moral path, i initially was a conservative, i had my phase of "patriotism" in a way, for Spain, but also rediscovering my roots as in Catalonia, Basque Country and the language of it, Irish (although i didn't even get close to learning anything, too chaotic for me) and Italian also, those being my main roots i can track...

Speaking of languages, i also did try a lot of them, although none too seriously given the lack of ways to practice them.

After the conservative phase, i became more liberal, not in the USA sense but in the European sense, classical liberalism, then libertarianism, anarchocapitalism, basically, i was in search of a moral system which i could safely say "it's fair and just", i didn't think taxes were legit, i though they are stealing by force (they kinda are although i'm not so mad about it as a basic concept since God allows Monarchy so i'm fine with it)

But eventually, i realized (or thought i did) that those "moral" concepts were spooks, manmade, imaginary, so i became an egoist.

You can't imagine how dark it got, i thank God i didn't get to do much of what i had been whispered by the devils, i then thought was my own mind, to do...

I started degenerating morally FAST.

But, as some say, from the darkest moments one finds light (idk if anyone says that tbh, i just made it up)

And hold fast to the rope of God all together, and be not divided. And remember the favour of God upon you: when you were enemies, He united your hearts so that by His favour you became brethren; and you were upon the edge of a pit of fire, and He rescued you from it. Thus does God make plain to you His proofs, that you might be guided.

I truly was at the edge of a pit of fire, and in darkness.

Ironically enough, i found Islam by trying to move to Dubai to evade taxes, my goals being purely materialistic.

Part 1-
Part 2 -

Somehow, God guided me to find Islam, culture did affect a bit (after all even the sectarians there have a bit more sanity than the west here) and also reading the Qur'an.
I entered Islam wholeheartedly, i truly did, perhaps i was too innocent since i had never been on any sect, and basically, the way i got in was by sharing Qur'an to a friend of mine who is a Sunni, and he asked me about my faith and got me to the mosque to take the shahada.

I still do remember that the part of the shahada where Prophet Muhammad upon whom be peace was mentioned did feel odd, like "i don't know this person at all, how can i testify something about him like this?" But i let it slide, since after all if the Qur'an is from God obviously the man who received it is the messenger of God, which is true anyway.

I then started learning fast, a lot of new things to learn, i learned the prayer actually by watching a video, even before i took the "shahada" and i had already prayer on my own then, i did say the stuff in Arabic, ngl, although in the end i think it helped me, even tho i butchered the text by mistake, i eventually have been able to polish it and understand the words separately, so i'm grateful i did it that way.

I started reading the Qur'an, a translation in Spanish, all days for a month one hour, for some reason the "prayer app" i had installed marked the prayer that is traditionally done after the sun rises as mandatory instead of dhuhr, i got no idea anyways, so i always stayed up the hour after fajr to be able to pray the next prayer, and thus used that time for study.

Ironically, i was following the salat of dawn better than what i did after, since i was studying the scripture as we are meant to do at dawn, and reading it...

Only now i realize that.

Later, i started hearing about the "sunnah" thing.

At first i legit believed it was just "optional" stuff you could do to earn extra good deeds, sounds fine to me, so i started incorporating that, i didn't suspect anything back then tbh.

I did also see some anti-islam stuff, for the sake of curiosity i guess, and some did touch me a bit, although the "savior" preachers of Salafism always saved the day, of course, they did sometimes, but others now i see them just lying (although to be fair, the Christian apologists lie even more, and that is the danger, they mix truth with falsehood)

I won't lie, i was a Sunni for a year, and i'm kinda sad those people i looked up to defend so much falsehood.

To me it's like finding your wife cheating, it's quite sad.

To continue, the more i researched, the more inconsistencies i saw in the tradition, not really in the Qur'an, but in what they claimed was "Islam", of course them calling their sect "Islam" to deceive people, although they deceive themselves first of all.

The hadith about the "muslim" getting out of hell due to the "shahada", even tho the Qur'an says saying "i believe" does not matter if you don't do stuff to show your faith... And much more inconsistency.

I won't lie, stuff like "Aisha's Marriage" did not waver me much, since i think the age of marriage being 18 is totally arbitrary anyways, and i did not see any age set in general in any religious book, of course there are limits tho, although i did think it was a bit off... And it's funny since coming from egoism, moral issues don't bother me much, after all the Qur'an was the thing that revived my morality, i solely act upon it.

But the sectarians try to make it as it that was the deal "you reject this because you are a modernist" well i oppose that notion, tbh, i know some brothers and sisters may adhere to feminism or other manmade ideologies and judge the scriptures with that, i totally reject those ideas, manmade ideologies can't compete with God's laws.

And as God says:

He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned.

To summarize then the last parts:

I encountered the Qur'an alone idea, actually i believe some of it came from the Rk movement, at the time i didn't know about him, i only knew about the math miracles in the Qur'an, which i believe, at least some if not many of the ones claimed, are real and a sign for believers that the book is special (in case anyone doubted).

When i found out about his controversial claims, i didn't like the vibe, especially seeing a video of his talking to a woman arrogantly with a darkened face.

Although God knows best.

Then i also heard some of what Edip had to say, and that actually pushed me back to Sunnism a bit, since i saw very weird ideas coming from some Qur'an alone people, now i agree on some, but to be real some ideas are still quite too assumptions, i believe this movement is similar to the one the Protestants got, and thus it will have both people who are more guided than traditionalists, but also people who are even more misguided... and this is something i warn people of, to fact check people, and if they make up stuff then be careful with them, you want to look for people who got a consistent method, like brother Sam, altough some question him for things like 9:28, changing the dots, but besides that which is more controversial, the rest of the work is quite consistent and a good base for working.

Remember that we are all humans trying to seek truth, and we will make mistakes, and God knows best our intentions.

And that's all, after a bit, i investigated more and concluded that this path is at least better than Sectarianism, and so far, i'm having some trials, but i think it's obvious that Sunnism deviates since they kiss an idol and are fine with it... and i think if anything the trials i get is due to being too interested in secondary stuff, instead of focusing more on concrete basics, like monotheism, giving charity, being humble etc...

That is my path so far, "summarized"

I want to make a call for unity, since people seem to enjoy dividing into more sub groups, but also a call for humility, you never know if you are the one in the wrong, and perhaps a brother is telling you the truth and the ego is getting on the way, so my advice is, try to recommend each other quality content, and then leat each person sit in peace and watch the things and decide based on evidence what makes more sense.

And let God guide whom he wills.

Peace be upon you, and thanks for the forum brother Mirza
Peace and welcome, brother. It is a very interesting story. There are a lot of false doctrines in the world masquerading as the truth. I think we can all relate with each other - the believers - in the fact that each and every doctrine must be questioned: only the truth will survive. What struck me about the Qur’an is its challenge to bring better guidance than it or the Torah

Say thou: “Then bring a writ from God that gives better guidance than these: I will follow it, if you be truthful.”
Interesting one, God knows best. Altough the context if i'm not mistaken is about pagans who rejected all scriptures from the main ones we know.

You know, i don't believe in casualities, i just today heard a recitation in full of surat 28 al Qasas, so it's funny you quote it... haha.

Peace my brother
Amazing that you are 23 and another brother here is 17 (AliAhmz).

We are all guided at different stages of our lives, but I would have never thought of seeing the likes of young men such as you guided by God.

Sorry for being prejudiced! 🙏🏽
Amazing that you are 23 and another brother here is 17 (AliAhmz).

We are all guided at different stages of our lives, but I would have never thought of seeing the likes of young men such as you guided by God.

Sorry for being prejudiced! 🙏🏽
Peace, indeed brother.

And i consider 23 to be less or more normal, since after all i have lived a bit.

Some brothers are even younger, 14 or 15 and i feel the same way when i hear them out haha.

May God give us patience in any case.