Quran-alone answers to the most important questions


I hope you are doing well. I come today with two questions I am curious about:

1. What made you certain that the Quran is the verbatim word of God? What is the ultimate proof or proofs in your opinion?
2. What is your view on the preservation of the Quran? Obviously, many Quranists will respond with 15:9 - We sent down the remembrance, and We are its custodian. However, this presupposes that you are certain that this is the verbatim word of God. I assume some of you have come across the fact that the vowel markings are not found in the earliest manuscripts of the Quran. The traditionalist will say that the oral tradition (which also contains variations) is the answer to this. However, most Quranists reject this narrative so I am curious to hear what the Quran-alone take on this is. Do we have any serious criticism of the theories of men such as Christoph Luxenberg and the like.

Thank you!
I was born in a with-islam-and-quran-saturated-shia-country but Quran was a strange and mostly an abandoned book in my country (not only for me but for the most population)
Before I start reading Quran and before I got to know that there is such a verse in Quran that "God claimed to preserve the remembrance in it", I was guided by the almighty and I was led to the Quran.
That supernatural experience, which can not be described, was a convincing proof for me that the book which I was led to, is a miracle from my lord.
The book itself had also the power to answer my questions and make me certain about the hereafter and the judgment day.
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I was born in a with-islam-and-quran-saturated-shia-country but Quran was a strange and mostly an abounded book in my country (not only for me but for the most population)
Before I start reading Quran and before I got to know that there is such a verse in Quran that "God claimed to preserve the remembrance in it", I was guided by the almighty and I was led to the Quran.
That supernatural experience, which can not be described, was a convincing proof for me that the book which I was led to, is a miracle from my lord.
Thanks for sharing. So it is personal experience in your situation.

Where I live there was not even mention of Quran-alone. I was completely ignorant of the idea up until recently when I finally started and finished the Quran for the first time in my own language. There is not even any debate going on here like there is in the West. People are either hardline sunnis or they are "cultural Muslims". The fact that I stumbled upon Quranism on the internet I also think is some sort of divine intervention.

I hope you are doing well. I come today with two questions I am curious about:

1. What made you certain that the Quran is the verbatim word of God? What is the ultimate proof or proofs in your opinion?
2. What is your view on the preservation of the Quran? Obviously, many Quranists will respond with 15:9 - We sent down the remembrance, and We are its custodian. However, this presupposes that you are certain that this is the verbatim word of God. I assume some of you have come across the fact that the vowel markings are not found in the earliest manuscripts of the Quran. The traditionalist will say that the oral tradition (which also contains variations) is the answer to this. However, most Quranists reject this narrative so I am curious to hear what the Quran-alone take on this is. Do we have any serious criticism of the theories of men such as Christoph Luxenberg and the like.

Thank you!
I don't have anything worthwhile to contribute..but I look forward to this post. I have been having similar questions and literally just yesterday started to read a work on historical textual criticism of the Quran and early history for it being codified as we have it now.

The most convincing proof, for me, was that the Muslims have this Qur'an for centuries and they had to invent a completely separate literature in order to support their religion and were unable to alter the Qur'an.
That is beautiful point to consider. I had the nearly opposite reaction when first realizing the truth about the Hadiths and early history. I had not looked at it from that viewpoint.
I am slowly waking eking my way through Sheikh Abou El Fadl online Tafsir. The biggest thing for me has been the moral component of The Quran. Treatment of orphans, widows, fair divorce settlements, no compulsion in religion, confirming the former books ( Torah, Psalms, injil) The rules of warfare including not killing women or children and not destroying places of worship. All these things made me realise that this was a divine book that could not possibly have been written by a man.

As for your second question my knowledge is not enough to comment at this time.
1. Alif, Laam, Meem, Raa. These are the signs of the Scripture and what has been descended to you from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe.
For those who Allah have blessed with guidance, Alif Laam, Meem, Raa are more than enough proof. I invite you all to study those signs yourselves.

2. I am open to the possibility that not everything in the mus'haf is the word of god. The fundamental epistemology question: how does one know something is true? You see it ... you either do or you don't.