"And hold fast to the rope of God all together, and be not divided. And remember the favour of God upon you: when you were enemies, He united your hearts so that by His favour you became brethren; and you were upon the edge of a pit of fire, and He rescued you from it. Thus does God make plain to you His proofs, that you might be guided." (The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation 3:103)
"The believers are brethren, so make right between your two brothers; and be in prudent fear of God, that you might obtain mercy."(The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation 49:10)
Peace be upon you!My name is Said Mirza and I am a believer in the Qur'an alone. I accept that the Qur'an is from God and that the Last Day, when all men will stand before God, is coming. I have been following God's commands in the Qur'an to warn men and call them to God for the last 6 years.
I built this forum as a place for like-minded believers to congregate and help each other out. To that end, I hope this place will help you grow as a believer and to meet your brothers/sisters in faith.
You can read the books I have written for free here: Will You Not Reason?
I regularly upload videos on my Youtube channel here: Said Mirza
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2. No arguing/debates: We will not tolerate arguments/debates on this forum. State your view-point (backed by Qur'anic verses) and walk away. Do not try to convince others about your view-point. We will not tolerate "flame wars". Thread will be locked/deleted and action will be taken against repeat offenders
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4. We take the Qur'an alone as a standard. When discussing the Qur'an, you must cite the specific Qur'anic verses. Use Reader website to reference verses